How to Prepare for your Senior Photo Session
Getting ready for your senior portraits isn’t always as easy as it may seem. These are once-in-a-lifetime photos, so you don’t wanna mess it up, right? That’s why I’m sharing 3 tips on how to prepare for your senior photo session.
Before we dive in, I want to let you know that in-depth senior session prep is one of the things I provide for my clients as a Reno Senior Photographer because I see firsthand how important it is. Sure, you can do your own hair and makeup on greasy skin and show up to your session in a wrinkled dress with a pattern that doesn’t photograph well…but that’s absolutely WON’T be you if you’ve chosen me as your senior photographer.
3 things to do to prep for your senior session:
ONE: Gather inspiration for your look
It’s super important to gather inspiration for your look so that you can tell your photographer exactly what you’re going for. This is equally just as important for your professional artist who will be doing your hair and makeup. Personally, I love Pinterest for this. But screenshots from the web work fine, too. Just make an album in your phone so you can find everything easily if you go the screenshot route.
TWO: Plan your outfits, accessories and props
Now that you have your inspiration in hand, it’s time to plan your outfits, accessories and props. Now the question might come to mind is “what should I wear?” Don’t worry, I have you covered in this blog post. And on top of that, I send all of my clients an in-depth What to Wear guide that covers what colors and patterns to avoid, as well as HOW to choose items that mesh with your photoshoot locations and personal style.
THREE: Prepare your skin & hair for your session day
The importance of properly preparing your hair and skin for your session can not be understated. You want your skin to be clean and moisturized. And you want your hair to be clean, fresh and dry. Hydrating in the weeks leading up to your session is pivotal, too!
But what else?
Those 3 tips above are great, but there are still some things you need to do to prepare for your session, including setting aside the things you need to bring with you! But I also have you covered! Want to know the 5 must-have things to bring to your senior session? Grab the guide here:

A Peak into Senior Session Prep with Fifth and Chestnut Photo Co.
Like I said earlier, I am BIG on preparing my seniors for their senior sessions. Part of that includes a Welcome Kit AND Post-Session Kit (because your senior portrait experience with me doesn’t end at the photoshoot). I actually mail these kits to each of my clients. Check them out!

Welcome Kit
My informative welcome kit comes with reminders, tips on how to prepare your skin and hair for your professional hair and makeup appointment, plus a handy guide on what to pin in Pinterest, EVERYTHING you should bring to your session, a timeline and a quick style reference guide so that you’re WELL on your way to having the best senior session, ever. This comes from over 15 years of experience, FYI!

Post Session Kit
My Post-Session Kit covers everything that happens after your senior photoshoot, specifically your Image Premiere where you’ll see your portraits for the first time. This is something not every photographer provides, but if you want more than a run-of-the-mill photography experience, the Image Premiere is essential! My product guide will introduce you to the heirloom quality display options I create, a nifty checklist, and so much more. You will walk away from your session with beautiful ways to display your portraits for a lifetime and more.

This is all part of the top-notch service you get with me as your Reno Senior Photographer. Have questions or want to book a session? Contact me and let’s chat!
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