Acupuncturist Headshots by Reno Headshot Photographer
Katie Gaffney is an Acupuncturist in Truckee, CA, who needed some new headshots for flyers and her new website that I’m designing! I’ve known Katie since my good ol’ college days, but I hadn’t seen her in so long. It was fun to catch up with her and photograph her. Who knew, 9 years ago, that one day she would be an Acupuncturist and I would be a Photographer? Life is amazing and funny. Katie is a beautiful soul, inside and out – and if you want to visit her for acupuncture, she currently takes appointments on Wednesday and Saturdays at 10833 Donner Pass Rd. in Truckee, CA 96161. Call her at 775-338-5728 to make your appointment! And of course, please contact me if you’re looking for a Reno Headshot Photographer!
Reno Headshot Photographer team Fifth and Chestnut Photo Co. captures the inner-confidence headshot clients to produce unique and attention-grabbing professional portraits. If you’re ready to update your current headshot with a talented Reno Headshot Photographer or need something fresh for marketing materials or your website, please get in touch and learn how we can help you make a memorable impression today!
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